
After the dispersion from Babel, idolatry again became well-nigh universal.  During this time the Lord chose Abraham to be the keeper of His law for future generations.  Faithful among the faithless, uncorrupted by the prevailing apostasy, Abraham steadfastly adhered to the worship of the one true God.  This series of studies will take us on the journey of Abraham’s life, as he makes his way towards the promise land of Canaan.

  1.  Going By Faith

2.  My Sister, My Spouse

3.  Riches & Strife

4.  Rescue & Reward

5.  Righteousness by Faith

6.  The Surrogate Son

7.  A New Name

8.  Entertain & Intercede

9.  Right Relationships

10.  The Ultimate Test

11.  Mourning a Loss

12.  Finding the Right Bride